Article : Everything you need to know about edgebanding for your custom-made furniture
In this article, you'll find all the information you need about Edgebanding, including its definition, its uses and its different variants.
In this article, you'll find all the information you need about Edgebanding, including its definition, its uses and its different variants.
Today, the vast majority of furniture on the market (wardrobes, dressing rooms, kitchens, etc.) is made from particleboard, factory-coated with a melamine finish on both sides. This gives very attractive and resistant finishes on both sides of the panels, but when they are cut to make the furniture, the core of the panel becomes visible. An additional operation is therefore carried out in the workshop, known as edge banding, which involves gluing decorative tape to the areas where the (not at all aesthetic) core of the panel is visible.
The edgebanding we use at Dessine Ton Meuble is made from ABS, and is 0.6 to 0.8mm depending on the decor, slightly rounded on the edges to soften the edges.
But for the edgebanding on the fronts (doors, drawer fronts...), we go further: we use 2mm thick strips, which are then machined to have rounded edges. This makes the sashes much more comfortable and pleasant to handle - no sharp corners or edges! With the exception of a few slightly exotic decors for which thick edgings are not available, all fronts are treated in this way.
It's easy to understand that such rounded edges would be aesthetically problematic on the structure of the furniture itself, with every joint between two panels creating a nook that's quick to welcome dust and dirt, which is why only the fronts of the furniture are affected.
As the back of furniture is generally not visible, by default we don't plate the edges located at the back. If the furniture has a "soft" back (in HDF), it itself only has one decorated side. If you opt for a "hard" back (melamine panels similar to the rest of the furniture), we position the fixings at the back, which means that the edges at the back will not be veneered either.
But if your furniture is intended to be visible from the rear, then the "Rear edge veneer" option in the configurator is there: it has the dual function of forcing the visible edges to be veneered at the rear, and sending the back fixings back inside the furniture.
As always, the 3D view of your furniture is accurate: the edges are shown raw or veneered in accordance with what will be manufactured, and if you ask to see the fixings in the 3D view, they will also be faithfully represented - without the covers that hide them after assembly!
Additional adjustments are possible on request, and the team remains as always at your disposal to review your furniture with you by email or telephone!
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